Mom is Christian, Dad is Muslim
Mom is Ébrié, Dad is Dioula
So they speak in French
Neither of them taught us
The language of their tribe
“What is she saying?
What is she saying?"
Every time I hear the language of my tribe
“What is she saying?
What is she saying?"
I ask my father
"Translate it for me
Translate it for me"
During Ramadan we make Dua
They never do it in French
I don’t understand what they say
I don’t understand what they say
I'm guessing that it was profound
“What is she saying?...
I don’t want my children to be like me
I’ll be sure my father teaches them
If you don’t know where you’re from
You don’t know where you’re going
You feel like a stranger in your tribe
“What is she saying?...
Sometimes I hide my last name
People, people know my tribe
They speak, I don’t understand
I don't understand
I don't understand them
“What is she saying?...